Welcome to Project Healing Hope
(Click video above to meet some of the kids!)
More and more studies are showing the positive effects when blank, sterile walls in medical facitilities are replaced with ART. Many not-for-profit orginazations are following this movement (see links below) but in each, their collections for CHILDREN are limited. The journey of the Healing Hope Images art project is to create a series of images that promote calmness, imagination, and peace specifically targeted for children, but appropriate for all. These images will be donated to this cause.
Many children featured have been through, or are currently experiencing difficult childhood experiences. These images are created free of charge to the families.
The war on childhood has many faces. Healing Hope Images are being created with a duel purpose of creating an atmosphere of healing as well as recognizing the survivors of tomorrow.
Its a celebration of light, hope and the imagination.
See more about Healing Art here:
- http://www.artforhealingfoundation.org/
- https://healingphotoart.org/photo-gallery/
- http://www.healingimages.org/
*The Children and their stories are real. Their names are not.